nextops videos

Docker Full Course in 5 Hours (in Telugu)

Terraform Full Course in 3 Hours (In Telugu)

Kubernetes Full Course in 5.5 Hours (in Telugu)

What is Azure KeyVault?

6. What is Kubernetes Ingress? Kubernetes Ingress Controller | NGINX ingress controller

What is YAML? How to write YAML? YAML Syntax in 15 mins.

What is Git? Understand Git in 20mins.

01 - What is Terraform - Introduction (In Telugu)

01 - Azure in Telugu - Virtual Network

Lab9 Terraform with Azure DevOps

What is DevOps and What is AzureDevOps (in Telugu)

01 What is Docker? (In Telugu)

Lab 10 Azure DevOps End 2 End Project with AKS, ACR and Azure SQL

ARM Templates in Telugu - Deploying from powershell.

07 What are Terraform Modules? Terraform modules in Telugu.

Lab03 - .Net App Deployment with Azure Devops (in Telugu)

20 - Azure in Telugu - Azure Devops - Introduction

5. What are Kubernetes Services?

6. What are Kubernetes ConfigMaps & Kubernetes Secrets?

04 - Azure in Telugu - Virtual Machines

Azure Admin / AWS Admin / Cloud Engineer Roles and Responsibilities

01 Azure in detail : Cloud Computing Overview

10. Kubernetes Daemonsets, Jobs, HPA, CA, ResourceQuota, & LimitRange. Very important concepts.

01 - What is Kubernetes? (in Telugu)